Gameplay Journal Entry #2

John Keith
1 min readJan 25, 2021

The game I have played for this assignment is Trackmania. This game is developed by Ubisoft Nadeo and its publisher Ubisoft. Ubisoft has been successful in its construction of a game’s graphics and environment for players such as the Assassins Creed franchise, Watch Dogs, Far Cry, etc. According to Henry Lowood, “DOOM was the technological tour de force that heralded the “technical revolution” proclaimed in id’s news release, issued nearly a year before the game appeared.” In contrast, the first Assassins Creed game became the pinnacle for Ubisoft to further expand and evolve the franchise into the success it has today.

Ubisoft is a reusable engine and possesses multiple gaming titles that you could find in gaming stores. However, it doesn’t allow for players to modify the properties of their merchandise mostly because of gaming copyrights. They also have games in Microsoft store that have their game engine used to make PC games of either the same game you find in stores or entirely new ones online. Their engine renders the illusion of a game environment for players to move and act within by focusing the detail of the environment around the player in the game. It also uses its technology to make their games, depending on its genre, to feel realistic and interactive with the gamers themselves.

Lowood, Henry. “ “Game Engine” in Debugging Game History: A Critical Lexicon.” ProQuest Ebook Central, 2016. pg. 206

